05 Sep How can Editors strike a balance between Reviewers & Authors?
We all know the Indian education system and its academic publications. After authors research and prepare their manuscripts, They choose the best journal. It’s time to submit the research paper. The Research Paper or Article will be reviewed by reviewers of any Particular Journal. If the reviewers find value in it, they forward it to the editor for Proceed further in Publishing it.
Peer review is a time-consuming process. It is a very important factor in publication Process. Reviewers are the one’s who have good knowledge of Some of the Research Areas. Their Main Job in the Publication House is to check the Originality & Quality of Articles. Reputation is attached to the role of reviewers.
In most cases, authors want to publish their papers in a very short time. In Peer Review Process, Reviewers are required to Read the Article thoroughly and then after prepare the Review of any Article. because they have to read every paper consciously. How can an editor balance the needs of authors and reviewers in that situation?
What do the authors have to say?
Nowadays, It is Very Important to Choose a Right Journal according to Needs. Some Authors Require Quick Publication, Some Require Publication on Reputed Journal Websites. A Published Article is Like a Certificate OR Asset for any Student, Researchers or Professors. They can add to their resume. For Some Education Degrees, it is Required to Publish Articles in Small Timeframe. According to a survey, 40% to 50% of authors want to publish their papers in less than three months. More than 72% of authors want to publish their papers in less than six months.
Another survey in 2019 found that many authors dislike the slow pace of the publishing process. More than 50% of authors believe that the journal publication process is too slow. More recently, in March 2020 study, 34% of authors said they were unhappy or tired of the peer review process. When authors are asked questions about improvements in the journal publication process, they mention that review time by reviewers should be reduced.
What do the reviewers have to say?
If we look at the other side of the coin, reviewers do not prioritize the speed of publication. Generally, reviewers are also busy in their lives. Most reviewers use their spare time to review journals. Most Publishing houses do not pay much to the reviewers, so there is no financial benefit to promptly completing reviews.
The time limit for reviewing a journal varies from one reviewer to another. A survey shows that 15% of reviewers usually return a review within a week. 30% of reviewers need two weeks. While 23% of reviewers require three weeks and 18% four weeks, Relatively few reviewers said they always returned reviews on time. About 1 in 10 added that they had never submitted a review on time. 11% of reviewers admitted that they had to say no to journal reviews because the time allowed was too short.
Surveys from different countries give almost the same results. Globally, millions of hours are devoted to peer review each year. Clearly, editors should understand the writer’s problem and try to do the necessary work. Editors should try to balance the situation between authors and reviewers.
What should be the solution?
The answer is that research publishing houses must use the Journal Research Publication WordPress plugin. The Latest Version 3.0 of the Plugin has Amazing Features. Authors, reviewers and editors can all be happy with the help of this plugin.
After years of research, “Hyvikk Solutions” created the “Journal Research Publication” WordPress plugin. It is specifically designed to Resolve Publication House problems and Manage Research Articles in a Quick and Efficient Way. You can manage all types of academic publishing houses through this.
There are three types of users available in it.
- Admin
- Reviewer
- Author
Admin Features:
Admin can accept or reject articles.
Admin can allocate articles to specific reviewers by Area of Research.
Accept or reject the reviewer’s application.
Specific Email Notifications to Authors, Reviewers OR Editors for each Activity on Articles.
Manage and customize the article submission form.
Add additional fields (Text) in Article Submission.
Data & Feature Migration from version 2.0 to 3.0
Add new reviewers directly from admin.
Through journal research publications, admin can accept articles and assign it to specific reviewers according to an area of Research OR Topic. The manual process, takes 3 to 4 days. But with the help of this plugin, it can be completed very quickly. Admin can allocate articles in few clicks.
Reviewers can easily get Research Papers or articles online to review. They can Review Articles from any Location. As the Whole System is Managed Online on a Single Website. Manual Article Submission & Review Process takes about 10 Days. But with the help of a journal research publication Plugin, reviewer can complete it within a week.
Admin accepts or rejects the article after reviewers submits the review recommendation, and if your article is accepted, they can publish it in a very short time.
With the help of “Journal Research Publication,” an editor or Publication House can hire many reviewers from different locations. So the workload can be reduced and publication house can publish or reject articles in short period of time and also they can have diversity in Reviews.
Journal Research Publication is a time, money, and resource-saving WordPress plugin. This is the only way to maintain a balance between authors and reviewers.
With some small efforts by editors, authors, and reviewers, the publishing process can be better for everyone.
What are your experiences as a writer or reviewer? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Buy the Journal Research Publication WordPress plugin today and start balancing authors and reviewers.Purchase Now
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