14 Sep Improving Performance of Journal Reviewers
Publication House Editors want Quick & Accurate Reviewing of Articles. But Due to Complicated Systems it is not Always Possible. But Now, Hyvikk Solutions provides an easy to Implement Solution to improve the work efficiency of publication house employees.
Hyvikk Solutions has launched the Journal Research Publication WordPress plugin version 3.0, which enables excellent Publication performance. Employee’s can Manage & Review Articles Quickly & Easily with the help of this plugin.
In this article, we will discuss the reviewer features available in the Journal Research Publication plugin.
What is a Journal Research Publication?
Journal Research Publication is a WordPress plugin that is specially designed for publishing houses. It is Easy to install as it is WordPress Plugin. Anyone can install it in few seconds. Author/Editor can manage whole publication house through it.
Who can use Journal Research Publication?
Journal Research Publication WordPress plugin can be helpful to schools, colleges, private institutes, universities and other organizations who Publish Private research Articles. it is also very useful for any type of academic publication houses.
Which user types are available in Journal Research Publication?
There are mainly 3 user types available.
1. Admin (Editor or Publisher)
2. Reviewers
3. Authors
What is the role of reviewers?
Reviewers provide feedback on articles or journals. They Verifies the Authenticity, Quality, Correctness of the articles. Reviewers can take Decision on Whether to Accept or reject the article. The final decision is always made by the editor, but reviewers play an important role.
How does the Journal Research Publication plugin help reviewers work more efficiently?
- Reviewers can apply online to register themselves.
- Upon approval by the admin, reviewers will get login details.
- Reviewers can access articles or journals allocated to them by the Editor.
- Reviewers can check and review the articles that were uploaded by authors.
- They can view the article online or download it in PDF format.
- They can revise and verify articles.
- Most Importantly, they can submit review on any articles to make the Editor Proceed Further with the Article Publishing Process.
You can check demo version of the Journal Research Publication WordPress Plugin.
Admin Login for the Demo Website:
URL: https://journalpublicationv3.hyvikk.solutions/wp-admin
Email: [email protected]
Password: 123456
Reviewer Login for the Demo Website:
URL: https://journalpublicationv3.hyvikk.solutions/wp-admin
Email: [email protected]
Password: 123456
This plugin will definitely make reviewers work faster, easier & more accurately. Journal Research Publication is the best WordPress plugin for publishing houses, schools, colleges, private institutions, and universities. This plugin is very useful for any kind of educational publishing house. So don’t wait any longer and buy the Journal Research Publication WordPress plugin today.
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